
Using LevelUp


When you take technical rounds and practice on LevelUp, you earn points, and we call them Level. The quickest path to levelling up is by excelling in technical rounds.


A streak is the number of days in a row you have completed a task on LevelUp. Once you complete the quiz of the day or practice problems or take a technical round, your streak will increase by 1 day. Build a streak to unlock additional steps and rewards.


Coins are the virtual currency on LevelUp. You will earn Coins for referring aspirants on LevelUp. You can use this virtual currency for purchases in the reward store.


This signifies aspirants account is verified. Recruiters give more priority to verified accounts. One can verify their account through verifying their phone and mobile number.

How Level Works

Discover how your Level is determined on LevelUp! It’s a balanced blend of various factors:

  • Recent Performance: The scores of your most recent interviews have a higher weightage. So, your current performance is more important than past scores.
  • Interview Score Decay: Your Level is influenced more by recent interviews. However, if your last interview is more than six months old, its impact on your Level decreases. So, to boost your Level, keep interviewing!
  • Problem Solving: Every problem or quiz solved boosts your Level. Solving high difficulty questions yields a greater Level increase than medium or easy ones.
  • Streak Rewards: Consistency pays off! Maintaining a 7-day, 15-day, 30-day streak, and so on, can significantly boost your Level.
  • Interview Frequency: The number of interviews you’ve taken plays a role up to a point. If you’ve completed 3 interviews while another user has only done 1, you’re likely to have a higher Level. But the difference becomes less significant when comparing 10 interviews to 7.
  • Profile Details: Filling out your profile in detail can also lead to a Level increase.

Remember, every bit of effort counts towards Levelling Up!

Technical Round/Interview guidelines

Discover how your Level is determined on LevelUp! It’s a balanced blend of various factors:

  • For Scheduled Interviews: Your attempt will be counted if the meeting status is 'Completed.' Dropping out or failing to attend will result in a score of 0. If this is your last attempt, you cannot schedule another meeting.
  • During Live Interviews: If the interviewer does not join the meeting within 15 minutes, leave the meeting and report the issue to You will be given another chance to reschedule the meeting or schedule the same meeting again if the interviewer cancels.
  • General guidelines: During the interview, use a desktop/laptop, share your entire screen, and provide information about your experience/education. Ensure good lighting and internet connection.
  • No-show policy:
    1 No Show:- Lose Trusted badge (
    ), Redeem with a 15-day streak
    2 No Shows:- Profile Disablement, Redeem after 30 days
    2+ No Shows:- Profile Ban, Not redeemable

Note: Report any platform issues to the interviewer or with a screenshot for further queries/issues.